The Society

The Toowoomba Repertory Theatre Society has been in continuous operation since 1930. We are an amateur theatre group which prides itself on presenting top quality productions. Our cosy 100 seat theatre, located at 94 Margaret Street, has been fully owned by the Society since the mid 1960's.

The society is fully self funded, based on an operational model in which most of the performance nights are made available to community groups (at a nominal cost) as fund raising events; and four nights are directly marketed by the society to the general public and members.


The Society is an incorporated body with a formal constitution. An Annual General Meeting is held in February each year at which the committee members are elected for the following year. The committee consists of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Administrative Vice-president, and six ordinary committee members. The committee is responsible for all administrative aspects of the theatre, including finances, building maintenance, membership, technical matters etc.
Committee meetings are (usually) held on the second Tuesday of each month. All members of the Society are welcome at these meetings, though they should be aware that only committee members have the right to  formally vote on any proposal.


The Society presents four major productions each year, as well as a number of more informal one-night performances that we call Green Rooms.

Each major production typically runs 10 performances over two weeks. Rehearsals are held some weeknights and often during one day on each weekend for about six to eight weeks, with extra rehearsals scheduled according to need.  The actual rehearsal schedule is established to suit the availability of cast and crew. 

Green Rooms typically consist of a one act play performed in front of members and friends.  These nights offer experience for people new to the theatre who would like to try their hand.  The shorter season also suits experienced people who do not have the considerable spare time required for one of our major productions.



Casting for plays at Rep is normally done by open audition and all are welcome to come.  Auditions are usually held at least three months prior to the start of the season.  Interested people will be given an Audition Pack which contains instructions for the auditions, description of the play and characters, and excerpts from the script.  Auditionees will be expected to perform the excerpts with script in hand if needed.  It is not normally required to learn the lines for the audition.